The Fireweed Tribe

My name is Jane Teague and I have made Alaska my home for the past eighteen years. The Fireweed Tribe acknowledges the strong friendships I have made since I moved up to this great land of Alaska. My paintings, writing, and the medicinal salves and natural products that I make reflect not only my passion for Alaska but the men and women who have helped my Alaskan life to be rich and adventurous. Folk who belong to my tribe dance all night, hunt large game, fish hard, and share my love of Alaska. The Fireweed Tribe are my people and Alaska would not be the special place it is to me without this tribe of people who have shaped the best life possible in this vast wilderness. 

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As a child, I can vividly recall those countless moments spent in quiet contemplation, perched upon our home’s cool, tiled expanse. My unwavering and fixated gaze was drawn to a singular feature adorning the wooden paneling that adorned our walls—a grand, unmistakable knothole.

This knothole was no ordinary blemish, no mere imperfection in the wood grain; it was, to me, a mystical portal, an enchanted gateway to realms beyond the mundane. Its irregular shape, like an ancient keyhole, beckoned my youthful curiosity. Its weathered edges told tales of time and wear, hinting at secrets concealed within its rugged embrace. It was as if the wood had conspired to create this enchanting enigma.

The knothole’s deep, dark center seemed to absorb the ambient light, creating an aura of mystery and intrigue. It was a fathomless abyss that promised adventures yet to be embarked upon, and it whispered promises of untold wonders hidden just beyond its boundaries.

My imagination took flight as I sat there, entranced by the knothole’s siren call. I envisioned brave explorers, gallant knights, and mythical creatures emerging from its depths, ready to embark on quests that would rival the grandest of tales. A new adventure awaited me each day as I allowed my mind to wander freely through that wooden portal.

To the casual observer, it might have been a mere knot in the wood, an inconspicuous detail of our home’s interior. But to me, that knothole was a cherished companion, a faithful confidant, and a timeless source of wonder. It was a tangible reminder that in the eyes of a child, even the most ordinary things can hold the keys to extraordinary worlds.

As I grew into adulthood, the significance of that humble knot in the wood remained etched in my memory. It became a poignant reminder of the unquenchable thirst for adventure and discovery that had taken root in my soul during those formative years. With its silent call to exploration, the knothole ignited a lifelong passion within me, propelling me on a relentless journey across the globe.

In my quest for the “other world,” I traversed distant lands, chased horizons painted with the hues of a thousand sunsets, and sought out the hidden corners of our planet. Each step, each new horizon, and each foreign culture was a testament to my unyielding pursuit of the elusive. I yearned to uncover the secrets that connected me to important times and places, to unearth the threads that bound me to the grand tapestry of Earth’s history.

With each expedition, I felt a profound sense of purpose. It was as if the universe itself conspired to guide my steps, whispering ancient secrets in the rustle of leaves, revealing hidden truths in the whisper of the wind, and placing me in the path of those who held the keys to the knowledge I sought. I became a seeker of wisdom, a traveler through time, and a custodian of the stories that had shaped our world.

As I delved deeper into my exploration, I realized that my role on Earth was not just a matter of circumstance but a part of a grand design. I felt a profound connection to the pivotal moments of history, a sense of responsibility to preserve and share past lessons, and an unwavering belief that my journey had a purpose beyond my own understanding.

The knot in the wood had served as my portal to a world of wonder and imagination as a child. Now, in my adulthood, it had evolved into a metaphorical gateway to the profound, a reminder that our lives are intertwined with the fabric of history and that each of us has a unique role to play in the unfolding narrative of our world. It was a knowing that my existence was not arbitrary but purposeful and that my journey was a pilgrimage of discovery, a testament to the enduring quest for meaning that binds us all.

As an older adult, I found solace and purpose in the rugged wilderness of Alaska, a place where the untamed beauty of nature mirrored the untamed spirit within me. Though I had briefly paused to nurture and raise a child, my adventurous soul remained unyielding, seizing every opportunity that crossed my path with unwavering enthusiasm.

With its vast and unspoiled landscapes, Alaska became my sanctuary and playground. It was a realm where the pristine wilderness beckoned with promises of exploration and discovery. In this land of extremes, I embraced the chill of snowy winters and the warmth of fleeting summers, knowing that each season held its own unique treasures.

Vacations were not mere respites but thrilling odysseys, each one an opportunity to venture further into the heart of this rugged frontier. I embarked on dog sled adventures, where the harmony of the sled dogs’ rhythmic strides echoed the beating of my own heart. The frozen landscapes unfurled before me, a mesmerizing tableau of icy fjords, towering peaks, and endless stretches of pristine snow.

And then, there were the small bush airplanes, daring contraptions that carried me on wings of hope and excitement across the vast expanse of Alaska. From above, I marveled at the sheer grandeur of the land, its vastness a reminder of the boundless possibilities that life had to offer.

Yet, amid these breathtaking adventures, a deeper realization began to dawn upon me. I discovered that my greater calling lay not only in the exploration of remote landscapes but in the profound connections I forged with people from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. It was a remarkable gift—a talent for building genuine relationships that transcended cultural, geographical, and societal boundaries.

In the heart of Alaska’s wilderness, I became a bridge between souls, a storyteller of human experiences. I reveled in the shared stories around campfires, the laughter that echoed in remote cabins, and the wisdom exchanged under the dancing Northern Lights. I understood that my ability to connect, to weave the tapestry of human connection, was a sacred calling in itself.

As an older adult, I found that life’s true richness lay not solely in the thrill of adventure but in the profound connections I nurtured along the way. Alaska had become more than a home; it was a canvas on which I painted the vibrant mosaic of my life, a testament to the enduring power of human connection in the face of vast and magnificent landscapes.

If you are reading these words, you may very well find yourself among those who belong to my tribe. It is a place where bonds of friendship are not just formed but forged with the unyielding strength of shared values. Here, in this realm, people unite in their unwavering commitment to do good for one another and, in equal measure, for our beloved planet Earth.

I affectionately refer to my tribe as the Fireweed Tribe, a name inspired by the resplendent, crimson-hued flowers that grace the Alaskan landscape during the summer months. These blooms, with their vibrant colors and tenacious spirit, symbolize the essence of our tribe—the beauty and resilience of unity.

Yet, the name could just as easily have been the Friendship Tribe, for it is the spirit of friendship that courses through our collective veins. When you contemplate the daily acts of kindness and generosity you extend to your friends, you begin to grasp the tremendous potential we hold as a tribe. We have the power to collectively reshape the world we inhabit, steering it toward the path of greater good and harmony.

In the Fireweed Tribe, we choose to transcend the boundaries that often separate us—be it religion, culture, differences, or divisions. Instead, we focus our energies on that which unites us—the profound need to connect, to extend a helping hand to others, and to treat our Earth with the utmost kindness and care.

In a world too often marred by discord and strife, our tribe stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that unity, compassion, and a shared commitment to the well-being of both humanity and the planet can serve as the driving forces of positive change.

So, as you read these words, consider yourself not just a reader but a part of something greater—a member of the Fireweed Tribe, a friend of the world, and a guardian of our shared destiny. Together, we have the power to ignite the flames of transformation, casting a warm and illuminating light upon the world we hold dear.

My fervent hope envisions the emergence of a tangible haven—a physical center where kindred spirits, driven by shared values and aspirations, can congregate. In this sacred space, they will transcend the boundaries that separate them, uniting in a harmonious tapestry of teaching and learning, of mutual enlightenment, and the forging of bonds so profound that they ripple outward, weaving a richer, more interconnected world.

The center I imagine, stands as a beacon of unity and enlightenment—a sanctuary where minds converge, hearts open, and souls intermingle. Here, like-minded individuals from various tribes and backgrounds will gather to share their wisdom and insights, each offering a unique piece of the mosaic that is human knowledge.

Within these hallowed walls, the air will be charged with the fervor of discovery, the echoes of passionate discourse, and the gentle cadence of wisdom imparted. It will be a place where the thirst for knowledge is unquenchable, where the boundaries of ignorance continually recede, and where the bonds forged between kindred spirits are as enduring as the ages themselves.

As these bonds strengthen and multiply, they will transcend the walls of the center, reaching out into the world. Tribes will intermingle, cultures will blend, and the tapestry of humanity will become richer, more vibrant, and infinitely more interconnected. The center will serve as the catalyst for a transformation that transcends the ordinary, rendering the world all the more wondrous for it.

In this vision, the world becomes a tapestry woven from the threads of shared wisdom, compassion, and understanding. It becomes a place where unity prevails over division, where collective enlightenment propels us toward a future of boundless potential. And in the heart of this vision lies the physical center—an oasis of connection, a crucible of knowledge, and a testament to the power of like-minded souls coming together to shape a brighter, more harmonious world.

Join me at the Fireweed Tribe and turn our friendships into a greater experience for all that come our way.

The Inside Passage

The Inside Passage

Tofino dream-like, bathed in a golden light, tall furs stood proud against the pastel blue waters of the calm Clayoquet Sound. I had come so far in my ambition of seeing Alaska, and now it beckoned two days’ journey away.

Arts and Crafts

These are links to my recent shopping purchases on Amazon As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a commission on qualifying purchases Candles

Small Ship South East Alaska

Small Ship South East Alaska

I left Ketichan on a tiny cruise ship with fifty passengers.  The cruise ship would let us kayak and hike each day and would slowly make its way up to Juneau.  I had never been on any kind of cruise before and had never spent so much on accommodation and...

Visiting Ketchikan

Visiting Ketchikan

Ketchikan was experiencing light rain, the captain cheerfully announced. As I left the ferry, it became apparent that The good folks of Ketchikan needed help understanding the definition of rain here. It was clear my newly dried belongings were about to get rewashed....

What does it take to live in Alaska? 

I am an Australian who chose to call Alaska home. I am coming into my nineteenth year of living in a remote community in the interior of Alaska. My Blog and You Tube channel allow you to see what my life is like in this unique wilderness that few Australians are brave enough to call home

Who knows? You might find something in my online store that helps you connect to the great frozen North and the Fireweed Tribe, the people of Alaska who thrive in this vast wilderness. Perhaps read my stories, and watch my tutorials. The Fireweed Tribe allows you to connect to my community, and to my life. A place to forage, create, and adventure. 


Handmade Products from Alaska

My small-scale botanical business allows me to harvest natural products from the Boreal Forest around my home.

low bush cranberries

Stories from An Alaskan Life

Read of my adventures in Alaska as I fell in love with an Alaskan man who called the wilderness home. Watch my Youtube tutorials and learn how I began making products for my family, friends, and visitors to Alaska. 

Log Cabin

Latest News

Something is always happening in the interior of Alaska that is worth writing about. Take a look at my latest blog posts and head over to my Youtube channel, the Fireweed Tribe, for more tutorials and insights into my wild life.

The Inside Passage

The Inside Passage

Tofino dream-like, bathed in a golden light, tall furs stood proud against the pastel blue waters of the calm Clayoquet Sound. I had come so far in my ambition of seeing Alaska, and now it beckoned two days’ journey away.

Arts and Crafts

These are links to my recent shopping purchases on Amazon As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a commission on qualifying purchases Candles

Fishing Alaska